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Rating Calculation

The overall review rating is calculated using a weighted average of all the reviews for a particular business. The weightings for each review are determined by the time period in which they were written.

Specifically, 50% of the weighting comes from the average rating of all reviews, regardless of when they were written. This means that every review contributes equally to this portion of the overall rating.

The remaining 50% of the weighting is split between the average rating of reviews written in the last 12 months (25%) and the average rating of reviews written in the last month (25%). If there are no reviews written in either of these time periods, then an “average” rating (3 stars) is assigned to that weighting.

To calculate the overall rating, the weighted average of all the reviews is taken, with each review being weighted according to the time period in which it was written. This gives a more accurate picture of the product or service over time, as it takes into account how the opinions of customers may have changed over time.

It’s worth noting that different platforms and websites may use slightly different weighting schemes for their review ratings. However, the general principle is to give more weight to more recent reviews, while still taking into account the overall trend of all the reviews.

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