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Maropost (formerly Neto)

Integrate Sitejabber and Neto

From Neto’s Website

Search Add-Ons

From your Neto Dashboard

  1. In your Neto control panel, click on the Addons menu.
  2. In the Marketing section, find the Sitejabber add-on and click the Install button.
  3. Confirm the installation and you’ll be directed to the Sitejabber website to finish the installation.
    • Specify whether you would like to collect reviews from future customers (recommended). Your customers will be automatically emailed a feedback survey.
  • Specify whether you would like to collect reviews from previous customers. This is an easy way to get a head start on your review collection.

You will be able to change your review collection settings at any time inside the Sitejabber dashboard:

Installing Instant Feedback

  1. From your admin panel, navigate to Settings & tools > All settings & tools
  2. Go to “Analytics & 3rd Party Scripts” section
  3. Click on the “Custom Scripts” link
  4. Click on the “Add new” button
  5. Insert a name of your choice on “Name”
  6. Select the “Purchase Confirmation (Thank You Page)” tab
  7. Paste the snippet code into the text area
  8. Click on “Save”

Without Product Information. Below is an example only:

[%show_order id:[@order_id@]%][%param *body%]
<div class="stjr-instant-feedback"></div>
document.querySelector("body").addEventListener("STJR.instantFeedbackWidgetLoaded", function () {
    user: { first_name: "[@bill_first_name@]", last_name: "[@bill_last_name@]", email: "[@bill_email@]" },
    order_date: "[@date_placed@]",
    order_id: "[@order_id@]",
<script>(function(d,s,id,c){var js,rC=[],uRC=[],r=0;Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('[class*="stjr-"]')).forEach(r=>{rC=[...rC,...Array.from(r.classList).filter((cl)=>{return /^stjr-/.test(cl);})]});uRC=[...new Set(rC)];t=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src='https://www.sitejabber.com/js/v2/{API-KEY}/widgets.js'+(uRC.length ? '?widget-classes=' + uRC.join("|") : '?widget-classes=stjr-base')+'';js.onload=js.onreadystatechange=function(){if(!r&&(!this.readyState||this.readyState[0]=='c')){r=1;c();}};t.parentNode.insertBefore(js,t);}(document,'script','sj-widget',function(){}));</script>

With Product Information. Below is an example only:

[%show_order id:[@order_id@]%][%param *body%]
<div class="stjr-instant-feedback"></div>
var products=[];
    [%product sku:'[@sku@]'%][%param *body%]
    products.push({ brand:'[@brand@]',
                    images:'[@config:home_url@][%asset_url type:'product' id:[@sku@] thumb:'full'/%]',
                    title:'[@model@]' });
document.querySelector("body").addEventListener("STJR.instantFeedbackWidgetLoaded", function () {
    language: 'en',
    user: {
      first_name: "[@bill_first_name@]",
      last_name: "[@bill_last_name@]",
      email: "[@bill_email@]",
    products: products,
    order_date: "[@date_placed@]",
    order_id: "[@order_id@]",
<script>(function(d,s,id,c){var js,rC=[],uRC=[],r=0;Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('[class*="stjr-"]')).forEach(r=>{rC=[...rC,...Array.from(r.classList).filter((cl)=>{return /^stjr-/.test(cl);})]});uRC=[...new Set(rC)];t=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src='https://www.sitejabber.com/js/v2/{API-KEY}/widgets.js'+(uRC.length ? '?widget-classes=' + uRC.join("|") : '?widget-classes=stjr-base')+'';js.onload=js.onreadystatechange=function(){if(!r&&(!this.readyState||this.readyState[0]=='c')){r=1;c();}};t.parentNode.insertBefore(js,t);}(document,'script','sj-widget',function(){}));</script>

Adding Product Widgets

Step 1: Open Neto Settings

Step 2: Webstore Templates

Scroll down to the System Templates section and click into Webstore Templates.

Adding Script Loader

In the footer file, found here: Web Themes > theme_name > templates > footers > template.html, add the below code and replace “{API-KEY}” with your Client ID found in your dashboard. Below is an example only:

<script>(function(d,s,id,c){var js,rC=[],uRC=[],r=0;Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('[class*="stjr-"]')).forEach(r=>{rC=[...rC,...Array.from(r.classList).filter((cl)=>{return /^stjr-/.test(cl);})]});uRC=[...new Set(rC)];t=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src='https://www.sitejabber.com/js/v2/{API-KEY}/widgets.js'+(uRC.length ? '?widget-classes=' + uRC.join("|") : '?widget-classes=stjr-base')+'';js.onload=js.onreadystatechange=function(){if(!r&&(!this.readyState||this.readyState[0]=='c')){r=1;c();}};t.parentNode.insertBefore(js,t);}(document,'script','sj-widget',function(){}));</script>

Adding Product Rating Widget

To add the rating widget to the product category pages, navigate to Web Themes > theme_name > templates > thumbs > product > template.html, and click to edit. Find the card-title element and add the following code below it.

To add this widget to the main product page, modify the following file instead : Web Themes > theme_name > templates > products > include > header.template.html. Find the dropdown element and add the following code above it.

<div class="stjr-product-rating" data-product-id="[@sku@]" style="margin-bottom:10px"></div>

Adding Product Review Widget

To add the review widget to the product category pages, navigate to Web Themes > theme_name > templates > products > template.html, and click to edit.

Add the code snippet below as the last element of <div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Product">

<div class="row mt-4">
  <div class="stjr-product-review-page" data-product-id="[@sku@]"></div>
  <script id="ProductJson-product-template" type="application/json">{"id":"[@sku@]","title":"[@model@]","vendor":"[@brand@]","price":"[@price@]","images":["[@config:home_url@][@thumb@]"]}</script>

Reach out to biz@sitejabber.com with any questions or issues relating to installation.

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